Who are Illustrators Direct?

Illustrators Direct is an established group of top freelance illustrators and cartoonists. The work of our members has been published both in the UK and around the world. And we’re no strangers to cyberspace.

What aren’t we?

We’re not an agency.

How much do you typically charge?

How long is a piece of string? Each illustrator had their own way of costing a job. There are number of factors to take into account:

  • Will you require full copyright or a license for one off or usage?
  • How much detail is involved and how quickly is the work needed?
  • What illustration style?

All illustrators represented on this site are experienced in dealing directly with clients to negotiate a fair and reasonable fee.

Wouldn’t I be better off commissioning through an agent?

Agents can be helpful and many provide a decent service. However it stands to reason, if they’re taking 25 or 30% of the fee, it means you’ll be paying more than you need to, or the illustrator will be offered less than they should, and therefore more likely to turn the job down.

Are you taking on new members?

Yes, we’re always interested in expanding the group.  
If you’re interested in joining us click here.

Feel free to get in touch with any questions not covered here via email or by filling in our contact form.
You can also contact each artist directly, via the links on their portfolio page.